Jeff spent a week deep in the mountains of central Idaho. Battling temperature near zero and frozen cameras, he met and photographed employees for Thompson Creek Mine. The ad campaign features two side to the employees. The hardworking, get the job done side and then the more personal slice of life side. Even with the camera locking up at frigid temperature Jeff got some great images for the client.
Located in the rugged mountainous terrain of east-central Idaho at elevations ranging from 6,000 to 8,500 feet above sea level, Thompson Creek Mine is 35 miles southwest of
Challis in Idaho’s Custer County. It is situated on a combination of private and federal lands, partially within the Challis National Forest. Primary access to the mine is by improved county and private roads. The mine property covers 2,500 acres and includes an open pit, mill and tailings facility.
Thompson Creek Metals Company is one of the world’s top molybdenum producers.